There are many hiding caves around this mountain. These caves were mostly used to hide from enemies during wars. The second picture shows an entrance to one of the hiding caves. The interior of the cave can accommodate more than 1000 people. The ancient indigenous in habitants of Ndofa were led to these caves by the Gate keepers who recite some incantations before moving families inside. Once inside, no aggressor or enemy would be able to find the entrance as it would completely disappear until the gate keepers decided that it was safe to return to their habitat at the foot of the mountains. The gate keepers still safeguard these caves till date and no outsider or intruder can locate the entrance of the cave without the gate keepers’ permission. Advancement in technology has not affected the sacredness of the hiding caves.
Historical relics such as these are in dire need of preservation, especially the roads to get there, which are long, winding and extremely dangerous. Despite this anomaly, some bikers still find time to visit this mountainous area as a picnic destination.
[Unfortunately we have no information, that it is a natural sacred site. Administrator of the photocontest]