The sacrificial stone is situated in Finland in Eastern Finland Province calledPohjois-Karjala Kerimäki in little village called Hummovaara. Near the sacrificial stone there is a house called Juhanantupa. In it's court there is an old pine tree which is called Lönnrot's pine. The pine has a history as sacrificial tree. Underneath that pine, during two whole days Elias Lönnrot pass in to the book 59 rhymes and 2551 verses poems and magic spells for Kalevala in June in 1828 from poet-singer Juhana Kainulainen. From Juhanantupa's courtyard begins a nature trail which leads to this sacrificial stone. There is about 1 kilometre journey from Juhanantupa to the stone. The sacrificial stone is a large table like stone with 78 small holes in it. People used to put for example grains for an offering to the holes.
Название/названия священного места
Sacrificial stone, Hummovaara, Eastern Finland
The sacrificial stone is situated in Finland in Eastern Finland Province calledPohjois-Karjala Kerimäki in little village called Hummovaara. Near the sacrificial stone there is a house called Juhanantupa. In it's court there is an old pine tree which is called Lönnrot's pine. The pine has a history as sacrificial tree. Underneath that pine, during two whole days Elias Lõnnrot pass in to the book 59 rhymes and 2551 verses poems and magic spells for Kalevala in June in 1828 from poet-singer Juhana Kainulainen. From Juhanantupa's courtyard begins a nature trail which leads to this sacrificial stone. There is about 1 kilometre journey from Juhanantupa to the stone. The sacrificial stone is a large table like stone with 78 small holes in it. People used to put for example grains for an offering to the holes.
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